Turkish Government’s ban on the activities of East Turkestan Turks – a Historial Analysis

By Yucel Tanay
In Turkey, which is accepted as the unshakable stronghold of Turkishness by the Turks of the world, activities related to the ancient Turkish homeland of East Turkestan were banned in certain periods. During this period, the head of the Anasol-D Coalition and the man of the system, ANAP leader Mesut Yılmaz was the first Prime Minister to officially ban the hanging of the Star-Crescent Sky Flag of East Turkestan. Now, in the period of the People’s Alliance, there are restrictions on the activities of the people of East Turkestan.
In 1998, when Ecevit-Devlet Bahçeli-Mesut Yılmaz became a coalition partner. It is Mesut Yılmaz who officially banned the mention of the name of East Turkestan in Turkey and the hanging of the Star and Crescent Sky Flag of East Turkestan with the secret circular of the Prime Ministry dated 23 December 1998 and numbered 36.
During the Mesut Yılmaz period, the activities of the associations and foundations established by the people of East Turkistan in Turkey were limited.
During his visit to China, Interior Minister Sadettin Tantan signed the “Cooperation Agreement Against Criminals”. East Turkistanis are described as terrorists.
The Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi signed the “Extradition Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the People’s Republic of China” by the AKP government in May 2017 . He announced that he had voted and accepted the “Extradition Agreement”, which the Turkish Grand National Assembly had not yet ratified.
MHP, partner of the People’s Alliance, did not give an appointment to the families of the camp victims.
The sit-in protest of Uyghur Turks, whose families were taken to “concentration camps” by the Beijing administration, in front of the Consulate General of China in Istanbul entered its 18th day, but today the Istanbul police did not allow the Uyghurs to go in front of the consulate building.
It has been learned that the administrators of the Istanbul Governorate demanded that the Uyghurs “end the action”.
Uyghur families, who protested in front of the Chinese Consulate in Istanbul for 17 days, stopped their actions after the Governorship of Istanbul stated that it would act as an intermediary for the acceptance of the petitions. Since there was no development in this process, the families started the vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Ankara this time. On the 5th day of the action, 4 people were beaten and detained by the police.
Uyghur Turk activist Abdülşükür Abdülbasit (İhsan), who is trying to announce China’s human rights violations and oppression to the world through various activities, is in custody. Uyghur activist İhsan, whose family members were taken to concentration camps by the Chinese government because he came to Turkey, whose father was killed during interrogations by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and who has not heard from his mother for 4 years and continues to seek justice, was detained in a raid on his home on the night of 20 November.
The parliamentary research proposal with the aim of “investigating the inhuman and unconscientious actions of the People’s Republic of China against the Uyghur Turkish people and declaring their results to the international community” was rejected by the AK Party votes. MHP abstained from voting. Explaining the reasons for rejecting the motion, AK Party Deputy Atay Uslu emphasized that some outbreaks have made the Uyghur Turks issue a part of a struggle between their own interests and China.
However, Fetöists have never supported East Turkistanis. China’s official news agency Xinhua News Agency preferred to work with FETÖ’s Cihan news agency, not with Turkey’s leading news agencies such as AA and DHA. A cooperation agreement between Fetöcü Cihan News Agency (Cihan) and the world-famous Chinese state agency Xinhua had signed.
Fetullah Gülen made the following words in the interview he gave to the media organs of his community. “There is no such thing as a Turk in China, Xinjiang or East Turkestan. He defended the official thesis of China by saying, “There are Chinese people who have been Islamized in a certain period.”
Today, the countries of the world that respect civilized human rights accept that the Uyghur Turks were subjected to genocide in East Turkestan. The families of millions of East Turkestan people are in the Nazi camps of China. It is tragicomic to look for the finger of the CIA and Feton in the issue of Uyghur Turks, while the families of the East Turkestan camp victims ask China about the fate of their family, “Where is my family?”
The name of the Chinese-Maoist team, which is the voice of China in Turkey, which markets China’s lies in Turkey, is called “Lightness”. There are those who believe in the lies of the dark rag. They accuse the indomitable defenders of the East Turkestan cause of being FETÖ and CIA agents by making excuses that have no moral or conscientious justification, such as “If America stands up for it, then China is right”.
In April 2000, Chinese President Jiang Zemin was on an official visit to Turkey. The blood of the 5 February 1997 Gulca massacre of invading China, which resulted in the massacre of hundreds of people by cruelty and torture and the arrest of thousands, had not dried, and the bitter memories of the cruelty and massacre and the tears and cries of the mother’s had not yet subsided. Chinese President Jiang Zemin visited Turkey. The Turkish government also rewarded Zemin with the “State Order of Merit”.
During the “57th ANASOL-M Coalition Government”, Chinese President Jiang Zemin visited Turkey on April 19, 2000, at the Çankaya Mansion, “it must be a gift for the atrocities he inflicted on our ancestral and religious brothers and sisters in our ancestral homeland”. (!) “State Distinguished Service Medal” was presented. This situation deeply injured and destroyed East Turkestan Turks and our East Turkestan immigrant brothers.
Suleyman Demirel, who was the President of the period and never interested in foreign Turks and did not take care of the Turkish World throughout his political life, did everything to give an award to the President of China. How is the state medal given in Turkey? While Chinese soldiers killed unborn babies by disemboweling 7-8 months pregnant women in East Turkistan, this murderer was given a betrothal in Turkey. Honouring the Chinese head of state with a state medal means approving, applauding, and encouraging these inhumane practices of the Chinese administration, and applauding this persecution.
Chinese President Jiang Zemin was honoured with the State Order. The policy of genocide and assimilation against Turks in East Turkestan was almost called “bravo, you did well”.
RED YELLOW DEVIL X JIMPING: “DON’T have pity on the Turks, show no mercy, crush, destroy!”
One of the ten decisions taken by the CCP Politburo regarding East Turkestan on March 19, 1996 was as follows: “We must strengthen our Eastern Turkey policy. And we must assemble a ruthless army.” Of course, this is not a new practice from China. The Chinese government has always implemented a policy of “crush the near, stall the far”.
China is trying to systematically erase the identity of East Turkestan Turks with assimilation-centered political and social designs and forcefully convert them into Chinese. According to Western sources, 3 million East Turkestan people are tortured in the concentration camps of China. This situation confirms that East Turkestan is an occupied colonial country.
The Chinese Communist Party’s use of harsh tactics and the method of concentration camps dates back to 2014. That year, Chinese Communist Party leader and Chinese President Xi Jinping made a 4-day visit to Urumqi, more than a year after he came to power, and there was an incident on the last day of this visit.
Using this as an excuse, the Beijing regime said, “We must be tough, show no mercy.” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who went to the region after successive attacks, instructed the Chinese security authorities to ” do not pity, destroy, all-out war ” during his visit in April 2014. The Chinese leader said, “Absolutely show no mercy, use all the tools of the dictatorship”.
Although Chinese leader Xi Jinping did not directly instruct the establishment of a mass detention centres in his speech to the authorities in the region, he called on the party officials to use all the tools of the dictatorship to eradicate the Uyghur Turks in the region.
China, as a State in East Turkestan, is an invader, torturer and perpetrator of all kinds of evil.
As a result of China’s pressure, Turkey’s ban on the activities of the East Turkestan Turks and the pressure applied to the East Turkestan people based in Turkey pushed the Uyghur Muslims, who were fighting for freedom, to new searches. For the people of East Turkestan, who have been fighting against Chinese oppression for years in Turkey, the democratic countries of the West, the USA, Canada and the Netherlands, have become a new door of hope. Filling the gap left by Turkey in the East Turkestan case, these countries opened their doors to these people.
The so-called nationalists sold the East Turkestan cause and the Uyghur Turks. Where is the Party, which claims to be a Turkish nationalist, in the mental and physical new Boraltan disaster applied to the Uyghurs? (Translated from Turkish article written by Mr. Yucel Tanay (twitter: @yuceltanay53))